Call for Abstracts

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Who Should Submit?
Abstracts are now being invited globally from those who are interested in furthering the understanding into the causes and mechanisms underlying Stillbirth, Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) including SIDS, and Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC), and/or working on education, bereavement and preventative measures in these areas.
ISPID New Investigator Travel Awards:
If you are applying for an ISPID New Investigator Travel Award, click here to find out more information.
Content Areas
Abstracts will be categorized according to the following broad themes pertaining to Stillbirth, SUDI, and SUDC: Epidemiology, Education/Prevention, Pathology, Physiology, Child Death Review, and Bereavement. Evidence based research with presentation of data is highly recommended.
Types of Abstracts
All abstracts are to be structured using the headings of Aims, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. 250 words maximum. No figures or tables. The Scientific Committee will evaluate the abstracts for originality, interest, and relevance to ISPID members, and will confirm the type of presentation and scientific theme and/or session. While abstracts that do not present results will be accepted for submission, they will likely not score highly. Abstracts that present recently published data will be accepted for submission.
Oral Presentations
Abstracts selected for an oral presentation will be presented during a 12-minute (9 minutes for presentations and 3 minutes for questions) slot in an appropriate session.
Poster Presentations
Posters will be presented during a dedicated session, where the author(s) will be available for questions and discussion.
Practical information, including poster dimensions, will be e-mailed to authors upon acceptance of the abstract.
Thematic panels
Abstracts for 60-minute thematic panels will include a short overview of the panel’s theme and 3 to 4 abstracts in the format required for oral presentations.
Typing instructions:
A title and short summary (150 words maximum) and 3 or 4 abstracts (250 words maximum each) according to the oral abstract guidelines.
Abstracts for 90-minute workshops should include a brief summary of the workshop and an overview of the workshop structure including aims, objectives and general structure for the workshop (750 words maximum).
Note: All abstract content should be submitted within the “Abstract Submission Page”.